Party's Over, Back to Work
All but one of my coworkers are male, so it was interesting to meet the wives. They were all a bunch of great ladies and I had a good time chatting with them. I certainly hear some interesting "facts" about them throughout the week, though there are always two sides to every story and one must have that "grain of salt" ready. I was quite amused to hear the wives side of the story, but I will say, they have their men trained well. My guys work upwards of 90+ hrs per week, yet many of the wives do not cook or do the house work. Some of them do not even work! I don't know, but dare I side with the men when I say, at least have something in the fridge that could be made into a meal when they get home. It is give and take and these guys can dish out some attitude as bad as any woman with pms! After meeting all these strong-minded women, I would hate to get into the middle of an argument with these ladies and can see why the guys have Dominos on speed dial.
The boss and I had a good laugh about what happened at the party. He was admittedly still hung over and did NOTHING yesterday but lie on the couch and nap. His wife cleaned up most of the yard this time, but I am sure he will have to make up for it eventually. B was all set to climb into a tyvek suit today and try to sweat out the remainder blueberry vodka, beer and rum he consumed Saturday night. There would certainly be an interesting aroma emanating from that job site.
I did not see most of the guys today, they were all out in the field. My favorite driver Vic G did call and swore he was told I was dancing on the tables.....I told him I guess he should have shown up to see the show, rather than copping out and not attending our party. My Johnny was in today, he had brought his lovely wife and son to the party, so I didn't get a chance to flirt with him, as I so enjoy our little conversations in the office. After getting to know his wife though, I felt it was ok to smack Johnny on the ass today (with a folder mind you, no HR issues here) which he responded, "harder please." That's my Johnny!