Pita Thoughts

The scattered thoughts of a mind trying to remain open is a seemingly closed world.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Returning to Write Again

I abandoned this blog in 2006 and my other blog in 2009, but as of late I feel as though I need to get out my thoughts before I drown in them. As always, I find myself with no one I can talk to about how I feel. I am lonely....self-induced possibly, but I can not share these thoughts, not yet.

Is it possible that I have become more naive as I have gotten older, that I have learned nothing from my past? I am getting that feeling again that I need to change something. I guess I have been having it for a while now, over 2 years. I thought quitting my job and returning to school was what I need to make me feel better, but all it has done was open my eyes to other issues I may have been ignoring.

I decided to dig out my old CD case and listen to some CD's I haven't heard in a long time, probably 10 years....during a time when I felt the same way I do now. Lost, lonely, in need of change and frustrated with my life. I am getting too old to keep wanting change, to keep thinking there is something else out there. Why am I not satisfied with what I have?

I am selfish.


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