Pita Thoughts

The scattered thoughts of a mind trying to remain open is a seemingly closed world.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Criminal Intent

I am angry right now....angrier than I have been in a very long time. The person who is causing this rise in my blood pressure, and the murderous thoughts that if carried out would land me into some record book for the most sick and twisted of killers, does not deserve the reaction.

Tomorrow my Aunt Lorraine is having a small family reunion, just the immediates, no distant cousins and such. Her kids and there significants, my immediate family and my Mom's brother and his family will be in attendance. I have not seen Uncle Jimmy in about 6 yrs, not since my cousin Laurie was married. Not only have I not seen Jimmy and his clan in that length of time, but none of my family (excluding my Mother and brother) have seen my sister. Each time I see Lorraine and my cousins, I hear "how is Kim doing? You know we have not seen her since Laurie's wedding?" Though I joke it off by saying "count your lucky stars", I know it bothers them. So, one can imagine my shock when Mom informed me that Miss Priss would be joining the festivities....and without her low-life, hypocritical, rat-bastard, piece of dirt boyfriend. Can you tell I am not fond of Big D? Lorraine invited the slimey worm to the party, but Mom neglected to extend the invite while talking to Kim. Well, after waiting all day for her to show, Mom calls Miss Seflish Prissbag, only to have Dickface D answer the phone to say "am I invited to the party?" Now my response would have been..."NO, you are a rude FUCK and I would rather chew off my right ass cheek than see your FUCKING face at my Aunt's home". My mother...not quite so crass as I, decided not to answer and again asked for Kim. My lovely (and I say that with more sarcasm than one can imagine) sister informs my Mother that she is not coming to the party....she doesn't feel like it. ARE YOU FUCKING SHITTING ME??!!! Lorraine bought lobsters for everyone, we told them she is coming, my Mom was happy Kim's choke collar would be released long enough for her to get away from that Fuck David...and now she DOESN'T FEEL LIKE IT??????!!!!
So, Mom is sick to her stomach at the control D has on my idiot sister. I am beyond angry that she would side with that Motherfucker over her family and I can only imagine Lorraine's response (as she has about as much patience and controlled a demeanor as I). I told Mom she better explain first off when we arrive, otherwise if someone asks me, I will NOT hold my tongue.

Ok, so I am a wee bit pissed off right now. The excrutiating pain in my neck and upper back are not helping, neither are the 2 rum&cokes and 3 glasses of wine. I ask you.....with a pain that makes one want to vomit and shocking news that gives one psychotically homicidal thoughts....would vodka have been a better choice???


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