Pita Thoughts

The scattered thoughts of a mind trying to remain open is a seemingly closed world.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I am on a roll, and it's destined to be burned in the oven!

Today is not going well. I overslept, so did not run my three miles. I lost my glasses because I left them on when I went to bed. I am again arguing via email with an evil Witch that works in our credit department at work, to whom I can no longer reply without possibly getting a reprimand from a VP somewhere for foul language. My friend in Compliance hung up on me after I made a sarcastic remark in joking. I have annoyed the General Manager of one of our other facilities and was told by our Canadian contact that the analytical we ran on some waste is not sufficient. So, here I am, nearly noon, having accomplished nothing and really wishing I had tomorrow off. The boss’ day is not going much better as I just heard him drop the f-bomb about 25 times in 3 minutes. Just another day in Environmental Hell….

I am going to try to make a break for it at lunch. I would like to go to the bike path and take some pictures of the water and the ships. The last time I went for a walk, I got a ration of shit for being gone for an hour, but since the other woman who works with me was an hour late today, I am thinking they can kiss my Irish Ass.

Wish me luck!


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