Pita Thoughts

The scattered thoughts of a mind trying to remain open is a seemingly closed world.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Like A Nightmare

Have you ever been sitting in class, listening to someone speak and then have the teacher ask, "does anyone have anything to say?" You raise your hand right off, eager to sphew out some amazing verbage. But, as you are called on to share your thoughts, all that comes out is "ahhhhhh...hmmmm...yeah...I don't know what I wanted to say." Argh...apparently that is me lately. I have something to say, a lot of somethings to say, but nothing can be melded together to form a coherent thought. Therefore, I find myself just staring at people, wishing they could just read my mind and spare me the need to clarify and explain. On second thought, I fear for anyone who tries to read a mind, which if illustrated, would be similar to the tornado that took Dorothy's house to Oz....all sorts of different items flying about, with that one main item of importance lost in the middle. I wonder when it will land somewhere accessible.


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