Pita Thoughts

The scattered thoughts of a mind trying to remain open is a seemingly closed world.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

So much happening these days, seems like too much to even express to everyone. I haven't been good about communicating with my friends lately, therefore I try to keep up on my blogs so no one worries I have gotten my wish and been taken by Aliens to a more peaceful planet. :-)

A friend of mine gave birth to twin girls this past weekend. I am so very happy for her. Col and her husband had been trying since I knew them, well over 5yrs, with no luck. Col suffered through the immense quantity of hormones and other fertility treatments, at times giving up because of the stress. I wished I could have helped her, it was so sad, she wanted a baby more than anything. When I found out that finally, after so many years, it all paid off, I was ecstatic! She deserves to be a Mom, she will be great!! This event is one really good thing to happen lately, something much needed in a time of sadness.

The bad is the waiting all Nicky's loved ones must endure to find out what will happen. I have not heard from my friend since Sunday, I am hoping for more positive news soon.

What is the ugly? My inability to wrap my mind around the good and smile for more than five minutes at at time. The only time I can place my concern and worry on the backburner is when I ride my horse, therefore, that is my new escape. I have neglected her for too long, never realizing that time could help me. I wish I could enjoy other parts of my day the way I used to. Someday...someday I will go back and hopefully be even better.


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