Pita Thoughts

The scattered thoughts of a mind trying to remain open is a seemingly closed world.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Stop The Insanity!

The famous phrase coined by exercise guru Susan Powter are words to live by. I was led to remembering that extremely energetic woman when I saw Google's latest quote of the day, "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein. How many times will you see someone like Susan Powter and Albert Einstein quoted in the same paragraph..haaa, seems fitting. I have realized that I have been "insane" in the manner in which I have lived in the past...repeating the same stupid mistakes (even worse, all the while realizing they were mistakes) and expecting some sort of positive outcome. Well...NO MORE.

Now, this post is certainly no declaration that I will never make another mistake, because I am a professional at making bad choices, but from now on I WILL learn from them. The whole point of living is to learn and gain knowledge, so if I do not realize what I have done wrong and why, then I am not really living and that is just a waste of precious time.

I have to share a little story from a friend of mine. Her daughter, Emm, 3years old, was not feeling well, dizzy with a headache. She turned to her grandmother and said, "Nana, I just can't get my head together." Oh my, she is so cute. Welcome to the world of adults! How many times have any of us said that, and we did not have the excuse of being a sick 3 year old. Nothing more honest than the words of an innocent child.


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