Pita Thoughts

The scattered thoughts of a mind trying to remain open is a seemingly closed world.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I am happy to report that I have had a bit of a spring in my step the past couple days, even noticeable by those around me. I don't have that stiffness when I get out of my car in the morning and am leaping up the stairs to work and walking with more pep than I have in awhile. Could it be? Could I be getting stronger? I have been working hard on improving my body. I increase the intensity of my treadmill workout a little each time I feel myself getting comfortable at a certain setting. I was able to get up and workout yesterday morning, but only because I didn't have to go to work as early as usual. I want to get up at 5am and get on the treadmill...but I also want to sleep. I will keep working on that. No matter how tired I am at night, I still hop on for my daily exercise and I feel great afterward. Though I do not yet see a difference, I can feel one and that is a good step. I am determined to get so much stronger and rid myself of the stiffness and backpain, and as an added bonus, someday I would like the hear my cranky chiro say, "good job, vast improvement!"


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