Pita Thoughts

The scattered thoughts of a mind trying to remain open is a seemingly closed world.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Another profession crossed off the list......

I discovered this weekend that I will never be a professional bowler. Not that it was ever a dream of mine, but it was good to have the option. It certainly isn't the first profession I have had to throw in the ole hat on...for instance, any thoughts I could have had for being a hand model were dashed by the manicurist who told me my nails look like I smashed them all in a door....twice! Saturday night, I was far from a professional, more like Queen of the Gutter Ball. There were little girls, weighing only slightly more than their bowling balls, tossing them down the lane and hitting more pins than I could seemingly dream to touch. I tried tossing it, I tried the wrist twist to spin the ball, I tried slowing rolling the ball, but alas, the gutter on the right was like a magnet for the future gutterball champion of the world.

Well, despite the large number of "walks of shame" I had to endure, I still had a great time. I suck at bowling, I am ok with that. I almost perfected my "ooo, ooo, I hit something" dance. Besides which, I am still holding out to be a professional seaplane pilot...now just have to get my license and a plane and a seaside spot to fly from.....



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