Pita Thoughts

The scattered thoughts of a mind trying to remain open is a seemingly closed world.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


D and I were chatting last night. She is applying to different graduate schools and is quite nervous about the whole situation. I keep telling her how great she is, I know she can do it. A lot of time has gone by since we left college, but isn't jumping back into Academia like riding a bike? I hope so, I would like to go back someday. I asked her, if she could go back to her first day at Suffolk University, what would she change about her life? She would take everything less seriously, but do more in her area of study. I would have done more in school, but other than that, I would not want to lose out on anything I have experienced since then, even the tough times.

So, I never explained why my nickname is Pita or Pitadork. My friend Josh named me Pita (pain in the ass) because I used to give him crap at work. It seems to have stuck. I guess I am a bit of a pita, my Mom would agree. I have a lot on my mind, I am a busy thinker and want to do so much, can get annoying to others. I also do enjoy giving people crap, but it's all in good fun. If I don't give someone a hard time, I most likely do not like or feel comfortable with that person.

As for being a "dork"....that's a bit more complicated. According to Wester, the definition of dork is "A stupid, inept, or foolish person". Those words do not define me. I thought about when I am most called a dork (usually by the same person) and I figured out it is when I am happy and being a goof, when my optimism is at its full force. I am a dreamer, I am a goofball, I like to be happy and revel in those good feelings. If my giggling, big grin and skip in my step make me a dork...then I plea Guilty as Charged! I have tried in the past to be cautiously optimistic about certain aspects of my life, but I find that if I don't enjoy goodtimes to my fullest extent, then I feel as though I have missed out when it is over. Sometimes "throwing caution to the wind" is necessary to fully envelope oneself with joy and remind oneself that not every day is a loss to work and stress. I take on a lot of responsibility during the day, so if I want to push it aside and jump up and down in the rain singing Christmas Carols in July....then kudos to me and anyone who will take off their shoes and join me.

Here's to all the "dorks" out there: Let optimism, imagination, dreams and the goodtimes prevail!


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