Pita Thoughts

The scattered thoughts of a mind trying to remain open is a seemingly closed world.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


As I sat in the field while my horse grazed, I watched the clouds roll swiftly by and recalled the days events, most of which were negative. Tonight, all the frivolous upsets I let get to me today were brought to a screeching halt by news I guess I knew was coming, but that I prayed would be postponed indefinitely. My Lilac Domino is leaving.

Lilac is the 28 year old Thoroughbred mare that I have been entrusted to care for during the past three years. I took an old, rail thin, unhappy horse and helped her to become a vibrant, healthy, young-feeling friend. I went right to my dear friend for a hug tonight, thinking the foolishness of this day was what mattered. It didn't, it doesn't....what matters is Lilac. She and I have bonded closer together than I have with any other horse I have known. In about two weeks, a trailer will come and take her away. I will not ever see her again. Her owner is moving her to Upstate New York, thinking it will save some money. Lilac won't have someone to wash her cuts, wrap her legs or give her some much needed bathes. She will be roughed out and only brought in to have her feet trimmed.

My heart is broken. Not only is something I love dearly leaving, she is going to a place where no one will call her Beautiful, where no one will greet her first, before all others. This is not the change I was seeking.......


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