Pita Thoughts

The scattered thoughts of a mind trying to remain open is a seemingly closed world.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I Need Out!

This is the picture I have chosen to keep as my desktop at work for the past few weeks. I stare at it and wonder where the track might lead. The thought of just walking toward that moon is overwhelming these days. I need a new route to follow, and being me, I would like it to be "off the beaten path."

Part of my trouble lately, is that I have not adhered to my own remedy for mental stability. I promised myself that I would regularly visit the ocean or the mountains, as they bring me serenity. I have not done so and I am regretting letting go of that outlet. As "crazy" as it sounds, after the psychic I saw told me I needed that release on a weekly basis, I truely believe it helps me. It seems as of late, all I have been doing is working. I work my fulltime job, I work at the stable, I work at making my body more fit, I work at home to keep my animals and my family happy, I work at ensuring my friends know I am there for them. It is again time to remember that it is all about ME. It is time to seal old doorways to past ideas and open new ones. I know some of what I want for my life, but I have not sought these needs/wants out aggressively enough. It is time to get going in my actions, in turn slowing down the whirlwind of thoughts in my mind. Just as I had to force myself to keep balanced at my old job to avoid losing my mind/health with stress, again it is one at a time...one need, one desire, one idea.


  • At 4:12 PM, Blogger zozosma said…

    i often find myself wanting to do that. to just keep on driving. to turn and just start walking up the tracks.

    i'm restless. i'm a nomad. i need to move and i need change. perhaps you feel the same way.

  • At 5:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I, like you, need that serenity once in a while. I recently took a trip to the Black Hills of South Dakota. What a peaceful place to be. I was calm... relaxed..... one with nature. My problem is that it's such short-lived. I come home, back to my routine life. I end up not being present at all to my surroundings and sit here waiting for my next trip....... next adventure........ It seems like I want to be anywhere except HERE.


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