Pita Thoughts

The scattered thoughts of a mind trying to remain open is a seemingly closed world.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The World's A Stage

And I would like to get off......

Why are humans so addicted to drama? We see it on the news, in movies, and regrettably in our own lives. I listen to the gossip at work of everyone's home lives, from why the wives are mad to who owes who money. I sit in my office and I turn up my radio....I do not want to listen anymore. Humans grasp onto past events and embellish them to the point of a wondrous story of traumatic events in our minds. Patrick Price writes, "You see, we've become so used to drama as a familiar presence that we've unconsciously cleared out a drawer for her long-term comfort, making her feel welcome when she ought to be our most unwanted guest." I wonder....why can't we just let it go? Get over ourselves and our "little stories" and just live life? It seems we spend so much time rewriting the past and labeling each event that we lose site of the present moment.

I dealt with a lot of drama today and it honestly throws my back into a tailspin. The woman I work with "got her panties in a bunch" because one of the bosses from another office reprimanded her for doing something wrong. He's right, she shouldn't have done it, but she is right, he isn't her boss and has no business talking to her about it. She was all enraged and I had to listen to her story atleast 5 times as new people came back to the office. One of the girls at my barn has decided to quit working there because I posted a note reminding everyone of proper procedure. Yes, I posted it because she fucked up. Was it rude? I don't think so. She left a nasty note about why she did what she did (and I might add...lame-ass excuses) and then posted another note stating she was tired of "all the criticism" and did not want to do the feedings. I erased it. Tough shit, you screwed up (not the first time)...apologize and move on. Why can't people just learn and admit they were wrong and not get so goddamn defensive. Oh well, I say...good riddance if you are going to be so stubborn.

So many people just seem to almost enjoy being unhappy, that it feels like a dust cloud choking anyone in the close vicinity. I am tired of being engulfed in such self-serving foolishness. I realize my blog could be my way of spewing out my own dramas, but I try to post, not involved anyone directly with my rantings and move on. Admittedly, I have failed many, many times. I could write a long story of all my "tragedies of life", but what change would that make? Would those incidence suddenly be different? Actually, they probably would, they would be expanded upon and sound far worse. I do not want to dwell, I want to move on. I simply do not understand why some people are so involved with their own mental stories, that they can not turn the page of their book and see what could be in the next chapter.


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