Pita Thoughts

The scattered thoughts of a mind trying to remain open is a seemingly closed world.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Time To Pause

As I waited for my water to boil, I decided to read the back of the box of Celestial Seasonings Tension Tamer Tea. There was a quick blurb about "learning to pause." Take time to relax and enjoy what life has to offer at that moment.

I wonder.....what are the chances the rest of the world will pause along with me, thereby negating the time I will need to "catch up" later?

My vacation in Florida is in two weeks! I can't believe it, coming up so fast. I can't wait, but hope I don't leave everything to the last minute getting ready. I am far too good at procrastinating. I have done the most important thing so far, I have my horses and barn work being taken care of while I am away. I shouldn't worry though, I am going away. It will be a ton of fun and I hopefully will take some great pictures.

I haven't been sleeping well lately and it is getting annoying. I am either having crazy dreams that wake me up or I just don't sleep. I know I have had a lot on my mind, trying to figure out what is best for me from day to day. I am trying to not care and just enjoy my time, but that is never easy. I need to learn to trust myself. If I can't trust myself, how will I ever trust someone else?


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