Pita Thoughts

The scattered thoughts of a mind trying to remain open is a seemingly closed world.

Saturday, December 03, 2005


4:45pm and I am supposed to be at a party in an hour, so what am I doing.....sitting in my computer chair in a towel (just took my shower) and blogging. I have food to prepare and clothes to find, but again find myself feeling antisocial and preferring to go back to bed and watch terrible old movies on the USA network. I know that once I get there, I will have some laughs, but I am so lazy about actually going. It is terrible, as I hate staying home when I could be out having a good time. Damn head-cold and frigid weather is not helping my enthusiasm.

Tonight should be interesting as everyone coming is quite different. The only thing we all have in common is the fact that we all board at the same stable. Horse people are nuts! The hostess is fantastic, not your typical stable owner/instructor. She is a great lady, tons of fun. Kevyn is coming too, thank goodness. He is a hoot and should make tonight amusing. The rest of the group is good, nice people, just very different personalities. I am very interested to see how everyone gets along. A few of the newer girls are bringing their boyfriends, that always make it interesting (a group of non-horse men sitting around trying to look interested in all the horse-talk). I do enjoy "people-watching". Ah well, guess I best get dressed and get ready to see what comes about tonight.

Pour me a beer, it's going to be a long night. :)


  • At 2:12 AM, Blogger Ryann said…

    As I don't like people, finding the motivation to be a part of them can be difficult at times. but I do enjoy people watching... soo it's a negotiation.

    I do enjoy hearing about random sexcapades... keeps me amused, especially bas sex stories. hee hee


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