Pita Thoughts

The scattered thoughts of a mind trying to remain open is a seemingly closed world.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

What a day...

Today was busy, but interesting. I saw someone in the morning who two weeks ago, I would have eagerly gone to and given a hug, but today felt as though we were miles apart separated also by an impenetrable wall. Humans have been building great walls to protect them for centuries, my confusion lies when one feels as though he must be protected from someone who is incapable of purposefully causing harm. Some aspects of human existence, I fear, I will never understand.

I then went to my barn to witness the development of a new bond between two horses. Horses are amazing creatures. A new young gelding moved into the barn today and was turned out with two of our boarders. To watch as these animals forge an alliance, while establishing their hierarchy is quite amazing. This little horse, through "horse-play", determined who his allie would be and who would be his leader. So much communication in a short amount of time, through what appears to be just a lot of wild running. If only our lives could be settled with such ease. I am curious to see if the positions which were laid out today will remain, or if by chance their will be a coupe of power. Time will tell....

My friend Kevyn and I decided to do a bit of "barn-hopping" today. It is always entertaining to see how others keep their horses. Kevyn went to meet Lily, my Lilac's daughter. She instantly loved him, as most horses do. He scratched her gently and made a friend for life. It is amazing what a bit of kindness will do. She is so much like her mother, their eyes are the same, so gentle, so bright. She will be a great mare, like her mother. Kevyn and I then visited the barn from which I removed Lilac. She was not well cared for when she came to be under my supervision, but today is very healthy and happy. The owner of this barn did not know how to run such an establishment, but I am very excited to say, he had sold the property and it will be run by true horsepeople. I am greatly anticipating the time I can return and see what progress the new owners have made to the farm. It will be great under the right ownership.

There is a lot of change happening, seemingly all around me. Change is so frightening, but if one does not fight it, change can bring great things with time. I am optimistic that as long as I keep my mind open and observant, what I will learn from all that happens will help to prepare me for whatever lies ahead. Here goes something......


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