Pita Thoughts

The scattered thoughts of a mind trying to remain open is a seemingly closed world.

Friday, October 07, 2005


I was writing back and forth via email with friends this morning and I was asked what I would be doing this weekend. I responded, "pretending to be sick so I have an excuse to stay in bed most of the time." Though I know I will not be staying in bed all weekend, the thought is somewhat appealing, therefore why should I need an excuse to do so? I work all week and some of the weekend and have earned the right to rest....so why don't I? I might take my time getting going in the morning or sit for a bit doing nothing, but after all is said and done, I actually feel guilty for each minute wasted doing "nothing" when I have so much else I should be doing. What kind of way is that to live?? I get the necessary projects done, but it is all the little things...washing my whites, cleaning my room, brushing the cat. The list could be never-ending. The trouble with doing all this worrying about what needs to be done is that is seems to cause time to go by even faster and as our lives are not infinite, it is important not to waste time fretting about what needs to be done. Now if I could only listen to myself and stop being so concerned about everything. I would love to just be able to stop and enjoy my time....even if it is spent sitting idle on the couch doing "nothing".

Started this one the other day....was going to finish it, but figure...post it. The Blogs are thoughts at that moment I type them, so modification later will be adhere to the current state of mind.


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