Pita Thoughts

The scattered thoughts of a mind trying to remain open is a seemingly closed world.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Spam...not just a can o' lard.....

I was a bit perturbed this morning. I wrote a blog last night, and this morning did my normal check to see if anyone was interested enough to comment...and low and behold...2 comments! I was quite excited to read what opinions people may have had about my ideas and what do I find...SPAM! I guess it was niave of me to think that the normal internet foolishness couldn't invade my blog page, but I could not help but be disappointed and upset by it. But, no fear, there is a way to block these messages from invading my communications. Bless those who found a way, now when I see there are comments...they will be from real people who cared enough to read and express their thoughts on my writings.

I don't have much that I want to write about at the moment. Isis is sick and all I can concentrate on right now is how I can make her better. I made the mistake of telling someone that the one thing that could put me over the edge would be losing one of my girls, and now I feel as though I have cursed them. She cried to me this morning, she never cries to me. She is such a strong dog, but this morning she was not strong, she was frightened. I want her to be happy again, I want her to be well.


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