Pita Thoughts

The scattered thoughts of a mind trying to remain open is a seemingly closed world.

Monday, November 21, 2005


I have been wondering as of late whether any human can show the devotion that a dog can for it's "owner". No matter what I do, how long I am gone, how many times I lose my temper with them, all it takes is some affection and an "I am sorry" and my dogs love me again, all forgiven. I know that not all people have the relationship with their dogs that I have with mine and possibly I wouldn't have it with another dog, but I think it all comes from a mutual respect for each other. They need me, and I need them. We are a pack and will always protect one another. It is a fantastic feeling to come home and have someone so happy to see you. A lot of times I wonder if some dog owners notice the devotion his/her dog has. Yesterday I was out bike riding and saw quite a few dogs and their people. I rode past a house where a man was working in his front yard and his dog was standing on the front steps of the house. As I came closer, the dog casually jumped off the steps and stood next to his owner, never taking his eyes off me. He did not bark, he didn't have to. I know what he was saying...."stay away, he is mine". The man didn't notice me, nor his dog's movement, but I found the dog's behavior admirable. As I rode my bike past another dog, the collie began barking at me. I was happy to see that the man with the dog did not yell at him to stop barking, but smiled at the dog's excitable behavior

Humans can be so blind. We are always rushing through life, trying to get everything done and miss the small, yet important details of life. We don't appreciate those around us, hence we never can have the closeness which we all desire. I am a very devoted person, but unlike my canine partners, I do not forgive so easily. Trust is so hard for most people, we live in a world full of dishonesty and selfishness. Why are we so dishonest? Because it is easier than dealing with the truth...part of being selfish. Sometimes we claim to lie in order to protect another person from the pain of the truth, but in the end, we are really protecting ourselves from the consequences of the truth and the guilt which may insue. I wonder what would happen if the "civilized world" was as simple as the "animal kingdom"....humans would be bored, there would be no drama.


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