Pita Thoughts

The scattered thoughts of a mind trying to remain open is a seemingly closed world.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Right to be wrong…..

I was listening to Joss Stone this morning and her song “Right to be Wrong” struck me.

“I've got a right to be wrong.
My mistakes will make me strong….

You're entitled to your opinion
But it's really my decision

I can't turn back I'm on a mission…..

Whatever's out there waiting for me
I'm going to faced it willingly.”

I can easily admit that I am wrong about many things and I have made what could be considered a lot of “wrong” decisions, but I hope that I have learned from each of them and grown to be a better person with each event. I realize I have not always taken a step forward after a painful time in my life, but it simply necessitizes taking larger steps forward in the future, when I am more able to do so. We all have weak times when it seems impossible to see the good in any event, but hind-sight is “20-20”. If one really cares enough to look back at the past, even times, which ended badly, were not all negative. I believe it is human nature to see the bad in things once that aspect of one’s life is over, it can help to numb the pain of loss.

I believe I am reaching another turning point in my life, I have that itching feeling that it is time for a change. As I am unsure of the direction I will be following, I will just try to open my eyes and shed self-doubt, showing myself and those around me how strong I really am. My friend Denise said, "you are stronger than you think you are." I am all for proving her right.


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