Pita Thoughts

The scattered thoughts of a mind trying to remain open is a seemingly closed world.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Welcome to Self-PityVille........
I am tired. Tired of the bullshit of life bringing my down, tired of letting others take advantage of me and then make me feel bad about it. I am just downright tired! I am sick of waking up and feeling like I can't even smile...thinking things are ok will only cause something else to go wrong. I can't seem to trust anything in my life to go right. I should be stronger than this, I should be able to push all this crap aside and go on as the happy, fun person I know that I can be. I feel myself becoming bitter about everything in life and I so don't want to be that person. I enjoy living and playing, but can't seem to find that part of me anymore that can just let go and have fun. She is hidden under this veil of darkness that clouds me. A black cloud always has seemed to float overhead, but it is now coming down and suffocating me. I am determined to find a way through this rough patch. I know I will never be the same, but hopefully I will grow and learn to be better, to be stronger......... not be bitter and angry with the world in the future. I can survive the downfalls of life, I have in the past and I will again...I must believe........


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