Pita Thoughts

The scattered thoughts of a mind trying to remain open is a seemingly closed world.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Flying high

It is windy out today. I can hear it whipping by my window. I wish I could be out there. The sound of the seagulls flying over the water and the trees rustling would do a lot more for my state of being than the buzzing sound of the fluorescent lights over my head. I have been working on trying to find my inner peace, that quiet deep inside where thoughts can not go. It is hard for me when I am indoors. Sometimes I feel like being out in nature helps to blow away the uneasy thoughts that plague me. I need to stay busy at work, but it is slow today and I fear I will be left with too much time to dwell in my mind. Adam pointed out two hawks flying over the area...we both agreed, "how amazing to be so free."

It is Friday, and though it has been a long week at work and the rest should be welcomed, part of me would rather work. I don't have much planned for this weekend. I have to drive out to the car dealer and get a part for my car and I figure I will stop at some stores in the area that I otherwise would not visit. I don't have the money to spend, but it doesn't hurt to look. It is going to be cold this weekend, disappointing, as I would greatly enjoy a hike or bike ride. I may stop at the state reservation, to which I used to take my dogs hiking every weekend, and go for a walk on my way home. I love to climb to the observation post and just look out at the world below. It is peaceful up there. I do hate to go without the dogs, but the car ride is too long for them, and going alone will give me the chance to take some pictures.

This photo was taken from the tower the last time I was in the area. That is Boston, a place of hustle and bustle so close, yet I stood in an area of serene quiet. If everyone who spends their days in a city or just in a busy life could stop and stand atop their own tower of quiet and just enjoy the quiet of nature, the world would be a more content place.


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